Out of desperation on the hospital bed, Pradesh cried, “God, if you are there, don’t let me die. I will change my ways.” His prayers worked and he started feeling better. But not giving much thought to his prayer in the hospital, he attributed his recovery to his luck to his friend, Shaunna. His friend has a strange comment about it. “May be it wasn’t luck.” Later on, He received a letter from Shaunna to consider putting faith in Jesus Christ. His initial reaction was, “How dare she seek to convert me, a Hindu to christianity?”

He was presented a gospel by a christian chinese student. As he pondered about the words of Jesus later that night, conflicting thoughts plagued him. “How can bible be true when millions of people in Nepal have never even heard of Jesus Christ, let alone believe in Him? But what if, Bible is true? This led to sincere desire and efforts to know more about Jesus and Christianity. Various events in short time, made him think that God was really pursuing him. He started reading bible and other books, namely, “Evidence that Demands a Verdict” by Josh McDowell. He was amazed to find the answers of the questions about Jesus, His claims, historical evidences of His death and resurrection. The more he read, the more he was convicted about his own sinfulness and God’s grace through Jesus Christ.

On the day in July of 1984, he received Jesus Christ as his personal savior and Lord, with unspeakable joy and assurance of forgiveness of his sins, adoption into family of God, fellowship with God, and everlasting life and inheritance in heaven.

This wonderful testimony of a person from Nepal would deeply touch and warm your heart as you learn about God’s mysterious and marvelous work in his life.

Here is his message to his readers – “Dear reader, I have found not a religion but a real and blessed relationship with God. May you, too, consider the Person of Jesus Christ apart from whom there is no other way to get right with God.”

Read a full testimony here: http://www.middletownbiblechurch.org/helpseek/story.htm

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